Young Persons Project

Based in Cardigan in a four bedroom household, the YPP provides a move on flat for 2 young people with other move on options in the private rented sector.      Objectives of the Young Persons Project are:

  • To provide a safe, friendly environment with a combination of suitable accommodation, support and access to training, education and employment opportunities for young people aged 16 -25 years old
  • To support young people in meeting their achievable goals and aspirations as outlined in the support planning process
  • To equip young people with the skills to live independently in the future
  • To avoid creating tenancies which are unsustainable.

To provide equality of opportunity in the provision of its accommodation and support services and to take positive action against discrimination                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Care Society uses a holistic approach when supporting young people through this project. We offer internal and external development opportunities, accessing specialist services and partnership working with organisations such as Leaving Care Team, Youth Justice Service; Housing, Coleg Ceredigion, Princes Trust, etc. 

A person is considered eligible for the project if:

  • they are single and between the ages of 16 and 25
  • they are vulnerable, in need of housing, lacking a safe or stable home, or living in temporary unsecured or emergency accommodation provided by Ceredigion County Council under homeless legislation;
  • they can evidence the financial capacity to meet the rental obligations on taking up residency;
  • Is a 16 / 17 year old; child in need, requiring accommodation under section 17 or section 20 of the Children Act 1989;
  • Is motivated to seek/attend training, education or employment;
  • Is willing to engage in support and an agreed Support Plan;
  • Is able to live within the stipulations of the Care Society Licence Agreement and Occupancy Conditions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Other YPP accommodation and support services include:

  • Designated Support Worker for the residents;
  • Support to access specialist services i.e. Counselling; Substance Misuse Agencies etc.;
  • Advice and guidance, access to training, education and employment opportunities;
  • Participation opportunities through organised events and activities;
  • Furnished accommodation with shared kitchen;
  • A safe and secure environment – staffed for 4 hours a day for 365 days of the year, CCTV monitored and on call provision;
  • Access and assistance with move-on through Care Society Social Lettings Team

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Waiting times are dictated by the level of vacancies which become available. Each time a vacancy appears the allocations panel will consider the waiting list and suitability of the prospective service users, the ‘make-up’ of the house, and other relevant factors.

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